Sunday, April 21, 2013

the wall she builds came tumbling down

There was once,
a girl who is well protected and let chasing for whatever she wants in life

She dares to dream,
and have her life planned accordingly

Her eyes sparked with hopes,
Her head overloaded with hell lots of crazy ideas.

She just can’t wait,
To start the life that she wanted.


Just when she decided to step out from her comfort zone.
The world out there, doesn’t seem the same as she expected

Walking through the journey called life; it wasn’t easy.
She brings no weapon to attack; wears no armor to defense

She was true to people;
but some regards her as untrue     

She was excited and curious;
but then people think that she is overly excited and knowing too much and unnecessary


She then learns that, maybe, she should get a little bit humble and matures;
 By trying to talk less and let others speak instead

But then people come questioning and whispering in doubts:
 “Are you trying to hide something by not telling?” “That is not good, you should have known”

When the opposite effect has taken it’s place;
she realized that she just can’t please anyone, including herself

The wall of “attitude” that she has build came tumbling down
Yet there is nothing much can be done

And there goes, another construction has begun