She brings us much laughter but still i need to complain!!
Today was a beautiful day. It is so rare for me to resist from good food. Instead of joining my family members for wedding dinner; i chose to spend my eating time to work out. My maid was pleased and she volunteered to cook me maggie mee. After ordering how and what to cook for my share. I sat there watching tv waiting for my meal to be served.
Quickly, she made it nicely and served in front of my eyes without me even moving my body. Then I spent half an hour finishing it. When i am about to finish she came and ask me nice or not. Then i replied: "yummy! i wish i could have another one!" Then she showed me a pack of seasoning and said: "but i forgot to put this one in". Straight away i fainted.. i speechless..
Is she being careless OR just me being stupid can't even know how to differentiate the taste?
THAT WAS JUST AN INCIDENT. I still got whole lots more to complain, so please bear with me..
First, I am so much confused by her vague identity.
When the date she entered our house, she wants us to call her Nissa. Few months after she added a sir name for herself and her name suddenly become Tanissa.
(p/s: she added Tan in front of her name, and that's my family sir name)
But when I checked on her passport, her name printed nicely Agnes Bulu; hence i call her Agnes, and guess what? she gave me the blur face, showing that she has no idea who Agnes is.
She looks small and black exactly like an African. The lame reason my mum gave for choosing her is because she is a Christian and my mum wants a maid who can cook and eat pork. But seem like she enjoy celebrating Chinese New Year more than Christmas. Again, i doubt she know what Christmas is.
In her passport she reported 24 years old; but she then revealed that she is only 20 years old. What the heck?? And she act totally.. i mean totally.. like an immature child coming out from the jungle.
Remember that was once whole of my family went out for vacation. The moment when we reached home tiredly; she bounced from kitchen to living room and yield like she was in concert.
*ello? even if you want to express your excitement or welcome us from the bottom of your heart; can't you know it isn't appropriate because you're not behaving urself*
And i doubt whether she is a well trained house maid or not. Caz for me she is more likely to become our house mate than being a house maid.
Why said so??
First, she had clear record striving for her rights.
Afternoon nap
Well, you can said it's either inherited or our family is just a lazy bump; my whole family has the habit of taking afternoon nap. So here she is, whenever seeing us having our nap she definitely request to let her nap too.
*ello? my mum needs a maid; not another daughter*
And i think she is revenging on us for not allowing her for afternoon nap. Dunno why but she love cleaning the bathroom when i was in my nap. Or else she love to vacuum the room early in the morning and report false time so that we will jump out from our bed thinking we have slept overtime.
Well, you will definitely ask me to train her or whatsoever. I did told my mum and guess what my mum said. "She is just doing her work. You sleep whole day and night; how can she tolerate your timing?" Means what? for my mum what she have done is absolutely right! =.=''
Watching TV
Watching TV and laughing together is one of the family time we enjoy the most. Whenever we laugh jolly; she will start cleaning the windows in living room (caz from there she can get to watch tv too, smart, rite?). and even though she couldn't understand the language being spoken; she can laugh even louder than us. seriously
And when there is no one in the living room there's her golden chance to watch tv. Channel 108 (indian channel) is her favorite channel and she knows how to lower the volume so that she won't get caught. and even when she get caught she will stand there smiling stupidly at you. How can you scold??
And here some of her habits that make me.. uncomfortable.
I dunno how but seem like she get to know quite a lot of songs from her Indian tv channel and radio (my mum gave her a radio in her room). She especially loving Baby from Justin Bieber. And whenever i sing my song she will started to hum, whatever rhythm she like.
Not sure whether it's a good thing or not. She love washing, any cleaning stuff that has to do with water. We have a nice washing machine there but she still insist on hand washing before putting them into the machine. She has already spoil a lot of my Zara yet according to my mum. if i am still complaining she would let me wash the clothes by myself =/
Sigh! she has given me enough. Seeing others' maid being so helpful yet my maid is.. sigh!
But at least she is SOMEHOW cute. hmm.. like.. like.. Oh yea! she love chili sauce and maggie mee. Hell yea, she is quite easy to feed^^